Saturday, May 30, 2009


Today, as I waited to buy books for the next class for my son, I got talking to a very sweet and mellow lady. During our conversation she said that one thing she has learned in life was to never plan as there is always something else that waits us in life.

I feel mostly in life we get messages from the creator at every step. I have observed that whenever I have felt lonely some arrangement is worked out and rapidly the void fills up as if some one is watching over me and making sure that I don't wander too far.

My heart fills up with love when I see the pattern of events and I scold myself to have doubted the tender love that surrounds me most of the time.

Life is a beautiful blessing and am blessed by the grace and presence of some angels in this life.

Pic: Me with the little kitty, kids have named him Booty boo

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