....The days when aroma of mother's cooking would blend with the heady spring breeze and Jaya would run across the courtyard bringing this or that ingredient for mother's pickles. In one of these fragrant days she discovered she was slowly bcoming a woman and Krisna a man. It was the festival of 'holi', when she was putting colours in water buckets, her friends would soon join her and they would douse each other with colours. The dry 'gulal' and coloured water would make them red, green, blue and yellow. She had mixed strong colours and smeared her palms to colour her Krisna's face black, she smiled inwardly as she looked at her hands. She was just getting up to go in and change when two strong hands crept up and closed over her eyes as she tried to free herself she herd the familiar laugh, it was Krisna. She tried to bite his arms to release herself but something in the embrace was different today as she stiffened to his touch. What had changed in this childhood friendship she could not undertand as sensing her discomfort Krisna released her. "Whats wrong with you Krisna, see what you have done to my dress, cant you see i had to change?,"Krisna was confused what had changed so suddenly?He stood there frozen colour in her hands not knowing how to react "listen Jaya its holi or you have forgotten, you will not play holi with me today?" Jaya had diappeared into the study and stayed away with her girl friends throughout the day. After this they had accepted that their childhood days were over and they were bonding differently now. To people around they had remained same, two naughty kids playing togather, inseperable. To them the world had changed and Jaya had never forgotton his nervous touch on her sixteenth birthday as he had hooked her dress from behind. They had never questioned this love, it was as if it had always been there. The long scorching noons were soothing to them as they met in garden, she bare foot waiting for him to come. In the shade of mango tree he would rest his head on her lap and world would be lost to them as cuckoo bird's sweet song floated on the warm air. A tear traced its way down her cheek as she came back from her dreamy state, to her bed, beside her sleeping husband, Shiv was smiling in sleep. She had also smiled a sad smile and asked him in a whisper,"tell me,what do i do Shiv he is coming back for me you hear...he is coming back." To be continued....
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