Yesterday i saw a very nice movie'constant gardener,' a beautiful one indeed. Caught it somewhere in middle, it is about the P harma companies using African countries as a dumping ground for drugs which are past their expiry date. The nexus uses the small children and poor people like guinea -pig. The scenes with children being caught and women being shot down while the war lords raid the villages is terrifying. I could not believe that such barberic ways of intimidation and crushing underprivelaged humans existed. The hero-husband of a woman who wanted to uncover this nexus is also shot in the end. A beautiful movie, it is a shame that even today our world has such ruled and ruler classes who consider other races as inferior animals to be used and abused in such a light manner. Drugs that save lives in first world are tested on the thousands of lives of thirld world or a world beyond that if there exists one. The most funny bit is that all this sham comes under the garb of 'aid' and humanitarian grants from the developed nations to the developing nations. At this i shudder that we in India too were slaves of the British when the sun did never set on'the British Empire.'At this moment i am also grateful to my grand father who gave his life fighting for Independence, never caring for his own family and subsisting on grass in woods. Thanks Grandfather that you fought for truth, for the Democracy where we cannot be herded like animals and killed for pleasure.
Blog is about spirituality, meditation, non duality. My poems, thoughts and observations find their way to this blog. I love mountains, nature and animals. My writings are about religion, spirituality, quantum Physics, beauty, children and life. I love sharing my thoughts and all that I come across with others.Reading, writing and potography are my interests.
Friday, April 3, 2009
Nice movie!
Yesterday i saw a very nice movie'constant gardener,' a beautiful one indeed. Caught it somewhere in middle, it is about the P harma companies using African countries as a dumping ground for drugs which are past their expiry date. The nexus uses the small children and poor people like guinea -pig. The scenes with children being caught and women being shot down while the war lords raid the villages is terrifying. I could not believe that such barberic ways of intimidation and crushing underprivelaged humans existed. The hero-husband of a woman who wanted to uncover this nexus is also shot in the end. A beautiful movie, it is a shame that even today our world has such ruled and ruler classes who consider other races as inferior animals to be used and abused in such a light manner. Drugs that save lives in first world are tested on the thousands of lives of thirld world or a world beyond that if there exists one. The most funny bit is that all this sham comes under the garb of 'aid' and humanitarian grants from the developed nations to the developing nations. At this i shudder that we in India too were slaves of the British when the sun did never set on'the British Empire.'At this moment i am also grateful to my grand father who gave his life fighting for Independence, never caring for his own family and subsisting on grass in woods. Thanks Grandfather that you fought for truth, for the Democracy where we cannot be herded like animals and killed for pleasure.
The story contd...
Its raining!Poppy flower! Rain
Here it has been raining since yesterday its become cold again as temperatures dip. The chill has returned in the wind. The flowers i have photoographed for you are all wet good that i took pictures yesterday. So submitted a topic today finally-Ecological degradation of Himalayas. This will cover a wide range of topics, meaning a lot of research to be done. I have been getting many comments and messages for the story and i feel very happy whn i see my friends are liking it. I am in a fix though, now what to do its difficult, the lady has to take a decision what should be this decision? Even i do not know, when i start writing it is as if these characters speak to me and i write what they tell me. Still ill have to put a little thought as now we have reached a crossroads lol.
Drops on deep green petals dance
wet brown barks tells of days gone
Wind whispers lovers' songs
One such a mysterious night,
river had murmered a secret to me
Of mountains and moon,
Of clouds and deep vallies,
Of how in a blue magical night,
A river became ocean
And as the rain falls,
It speaks of ancient rythms
Of times gone and times to come
And of a time when ocean shall be river again.
Dance to this! Another beauty!
Oh! My God i cant resist sharing this one!
A funny passage from my old diary-"Spring breeze is mild, leaves are dancing to its tune. Near the Tennis courts, on the cement bench we sit staring at the silent streach of land. Leaves crumble under our feet as Smita, my friend shifts closer, resting her head on my lap. Her hair reflect the orange glow of setting sun. Time is standing still, yellow-brown leaves are creating a dull brown whirl pool. I murmer to my self about a feeling that i have been through this experience before. Deja vu? This was age of absolute innocence. And a strong feeling builds up that time has stood still at this moment and the innocence of moment would never be with us again.
Oh God such beauty!SEE!
Sky is gray today with dreamy clouds
Grass turns dark, bright, then dark again
A bright poppy stands drooping
Like a thought forming in my mind
Who has coloured these dahelias so bright?
And sweet peas in colours of my dreams
Colours come into my heart and stay
Making my days sweet and my nights wine!
Another pic!
Wow lovely flowers! Look!
Today i clicked beautiful flowers for you and i feel so happy to share these pics with my friends! Today i also decided the three topics on which i can put my thesis
1. Waste management in Himalayas
2. Degradation due to tourism in Himalayas
3. Deforestation in Himalayas
I think deforestation is most important among these, what do you say the root cause of all environmental problems. Also today i will stick first essay in the dummy for the Anthology. Yesterday i did a lot of reading and thought a scandalous beginning of the Mythology related facts will generate curiosity among readers, what do you say? It is that Sita the wife of Lord Rama who was abducted by Ravana, the deamon, was actually Ravana's daughter who was abandoned by Ravana's queen Mandodari as she concieved her in absence of her husband. So this becomes a case of infatuation of a father unknowingly for his own blood!This is a very less known theory let me put it to the publisher. Today weather here is so beautiful flowers are in full bloom and sunlight is indirect. The green looks so beautiful in indirect light. I feel like writing endlessly, today i made elaboate lunch and preprations for a very complex dish for tomorrow. Kids are busy playing and i wish you friend were here i would have made fragrant tea for you with nice pakoras, remember? the recipie lol. How i miss having a child like neighbour who could share my excitement when i see the bright colours of flowers, the bees, the buterflies. How i miss Anita. At least you friends are there to share all this or i would be so lonely. See the flowers now, and take care!
Story contd.....
Whole day streaches before me lots of morning work done which is cooking, cleaning, washing clothes and pushing kid out of house to school. A lots of other work remains reading for thesis and anthology. I have washed lots of fruits today and put them in a bowl. I was reading my old diaries and so many times i cannot relate to what i was when i was young. I do a few exercises every day, first i have fresh lime and honey in warm water than i do 'kapalbhati', a breathing exercise. After this i do'Surya-namaskara,'which litrally means salutations to Sun, this is a set of exercises which are complete in themselves. I n between i am making tea cooking lunch and doing errands. Now i put on music and dance usually dance music my fave is Shakira and Rihanna's 'unfaithful'. In the evenings i jog and try to keep a gap of 3 hours between my slep and dinner, i used to play Tennis and Badminton but i have no partners here. Summers ill be swimming again i am already waiting for that I will now try to write the story, ive put a romantic song for this lol
Lovely Weather! Heal me!
Its beautifulweather here neither too cold nor warm. Today i will start creating a dummy Anthology this is a part of creating an Anthology. To see how the book will look when all material is placed as i have arranged it. My little one is so excited to start her school, I have deliberately taught her just mother tongue so that she is not confused. Now she will start with English in School. Clouds parted and sun rays streak through, soon i will go out to get vegetables. So i rushed to get vegetables fortunately some veggies were there and while returning with bags what i see. My daughter on her bicycle coming towards me leaving the house open, what to do these kids do the opposite of what i tell them to do. I have started enjoying writing story for you friends what gives joy to you gives joy to me.
Heal me!
Heal me of wounds time gave me
Today heal me of all the hurts
Make me whole like never before
Let me feel each wound close its gaping mouth
Let me feel the pain drift away
Let it rain love tonight
Let it rain the comfort of your arms
Hold each of my dreams in your hands
Lick each tear off my face
Take away all the pain i carry
Let me be born again
In your eyes, in your soul
For once let it rain your love tonight!
Story contd......
GOOD news!
A Thought!
A thought in my heart
rose like green sap
like a little bubble surfacing
It expanded and enveloped me
And valleys and mountains
all danced in my dreams
cosmos sailed all around me
Galaxies dazzled in your eyes
midnight blue of deep skies
White of Jasmine is colour of your soul
I do not know why you make me whole
A festival of colours
Today it was hectic Today it was hectic
Morning i had gone to meditation centre after preparing lunch. Got picked up from there by husband to go to an official party-Technical Officer's get together, a big affair. All the retired officers, senior officers and younger Electrical and Mechanical Engineers were there. An elaborate arrangement for lunch and a tarrot reader who answered one question after other.
Whole day the men drank as if there would not be another day!There was bloody mary and once i have had a very bad experience with this drink so though i like the taste i steered clear of this vice. And ofcourse meditating in the morning and drinking in the noon do not jel, i smoked mint hookah though. I am as usual first one to try any thing so after me other ladies tried there smoking skills, it turned out i was a natural smoker, just joking.
This over i had to go to a writer and publisher who piled me with loads of freelance work and i was already fearng of how my blogging would suffer now that i gad so much back log to clear. I alredy find myself thinking shortcuts to deadlines, addiction lol. There are drug addicts and there are blog addicts now i am also puzzled by this short story , lol i am writing first of all is it a short story? The characters are now having their own lives and i just drag along writing their dialogs. I will have to see though if our lady is a practicle one or a romantic blind to mundane matters. Ill try to bring it to an end soon its getting tiring now though my lady friends enjoy it.
Its night here and my little daughter is on my lap as i type this she now always climbs up when she sees i am making a blog entry. How soothing and relaxing it is to write to you all friends about my days i am a writer and if you wish can write on topics you like. As you are my friends i want to write what you like to read-Poems. articles on New age medicine or stories tell me i will write that for you or do you want to read my boring answers for my Ecology exams any thing, till you tell me suffer my cribbing and short(long)stories.
Yester day when we had gone to the zoo my son asks mamma why are males prettier in animals and females in humans lol. Question no 2. Why males dance in animals(he had seen a peacock dancing)and women dance in humans? What do i answer to this?
Moral of the story -go to the zoo with an Encyclopedia!
Nice painting see!
A Stormy Afternoon Story contd....
Hi a beautiful day!
We are going to the zoo and its warm and sunny here perfect weather for kids to play and enjoy. See another pic of my darling Jayani isnt she cute? What you guys do on weekends tell me as i am short of ideas only one thing is fixed that is my meditation centre trip and 3 hours meditation there on Sunday which is absolute bliss. Take care all of you and have a lovely weekend.
Alternative Medical Science
Look at my Guru's picture and become thoughtless
Today i talk of a little complex subjects of subtle system, i have talked of Kundalini and its ascent. Now about what this rare book says on the subject of this sacred science of - The Serpent Power by Sir John Woodroffe.
The Indian schools believe that the heart was considered to be the seat of the waking consciousness. The heart expands during waking, and contracts in sleep. Into it, during dreaming sleep, the external senses ar withdrawn, though the representative faculty is awake;until in dreamless sleep, it is also withdrawn. There are 72,000 Nadis;the entry and exit of the Prana or life force is through the Brama Randhra(above the foramen of Monro and middle commissure); and upbreathing through one of the nadis. The reference to Brahma -randhra and the one nerve imply the cerebro-spinal axis with its Sushumna, through which the prana passes to the Brahma -randhra; for which reason, apparently, the Susumn iself is referred to in Siva samhita as Brahma- rndhra. Liberation is finally effected by knowledge which as the ancient Aitareya-Aranyaka says is Brahman. The Hamsa Upanisad opens with the statement that the knowledge therein contained should be communicated only to the Brahmchari of peaceful mind(santa), self-controlled and devoted to the guru.
I want to state here that once the system opens up theentire process of ascent of Kundalni is so spontaneous and beautiful that its like a dreamy blissfull state. Once you touch deep thoughtlessness there is so much joy at this state that again and again you want to sit in meditation and attain the state. Sometimes external attractions do spoil the depth and the magnatism of the meditation but if it has set in again you come back to the beauty of silenced mind and fully opened up soul,. Like a lotus in full bloom you feel each petal open and the heart fills with milky sweetness. It is as if whole being is being sucked into some other plane of absolute comfort and different senses and different sensed feelings. See i am not able to explain lol as no words are enough to say what i felt today while meditating. Try it its absolute bliss!
Lovely Day
People have moved in Anita's house and i feel .... uncomfortable. I caught movie White Chicks, a slapstick comedy but worth a watch. I was laughing while chopping vegetables. Multi tasking is my speciallity. Yesterday i also got very important inputs for my thesis and as my work increases my blogging might reduce but i sware i dont want to miss a single news from you people my lovely friends. I find myself getting emotionally attached to you all and wish we were neighbours. Much to my husband's irritation i stick to posting my blog entries. My reason, ill have to start writing again and i am brushing up my writing all lies lol. All the time i am checking the hits and jumping up and down when there is substantial increase, you know it is a joy like kids have when they play house-house. My friend like Becky, such an intelligent woman add to my perspective. I sometimes think i am overburdened but when i see her i feel i am doing nothing compared to her. So it is definitely broadning my horizons. My mind, and soul are getting sorted out as i pour out my thoughts. People whom i would have never met are so close that i can ask them, see this is what i am facing what to do? I had started this to type out old poems from my diaries but it turned out to be Alice in wonderland exercise for me. I want to share all that can add to some one's life and all that might make someone smile. Ive learned from some beautifully written blogs how perfectly things are written, a joy to a reading addict like me. Some lessons i have learned some yet to learn but each day this reading of your lives enriches me beyond words can express and each day i can see the futility of seperate identities of human race, we are one and capable of loving and accepting each other as we are, once in a while when i am angry i speak of politics but bear with me. Its only temporary phase and it passes lol. Thats angry me reacting but i know my wonderful friends understand and forive me for such silly biased out look, yes i know its biased. I f some days i am not here then my net is down so be with me in spirit as i cant survive without friends. I pray for all of you and ask for blessings for your hppiness. I got sentimental today lol weepy -weepy, sob-sob. and as i do my morning yoga i was trying to touch the ground here, later lol Take care my best friends!
Me again!
Some times being with children makes us beautiful inside as they have no guile , no pretenses. This has always been my way of de-stressing what is yours let me know. When you feel life is confusing and peace is lacking read Khalil Gibran. You will see how unimportant all our brooding is and how important it is, to love and enjoy our blessings, greatest of all is a child, so when depressed lift a child in your arms and feel all negativity drain away. Or smell a flower and become thoughtless, drawn deep into its colours.Try it!
This is me
The real me the way i am through the day all the time.Today i got 15 kgs of vegetable all by myself carrying the bags while my younger one howled. She wanted a lolipop so i had to put down the bags , go to the shop and ask for a This is life for me, today later in the day i will be going out for my work. When i am talking of dressing up or being like a dog(me) let me tell you i too indulge in some scrubbing up once n a while. Ladies there a good tip, if you have fresh lime and salt dont go for a pedicure or manicure. Do this cut the lime into half and dip in salt and make ur hands shine with this lol.
Try using dry henna in curd and a spoon of coffee mixed with an egg, apply this to your hair and keep for 2 hours or less or more as you desire. Wash with water and shampoo if you have to go out or just with water if you don have to and wash the next day with shampoo and see the silk glimmer.
Take chick pea flour and (curd )for oily and (milk) for dry skin and add turmeric 1 tbs to this apply on face and let it dry , now gently in circular movements apply rose water and remove this when cleaned apply milk cream or light moisturiser. All this works wonders after 30 try it all are my own tips and tell me if they work for you!
Me going to wedding
Keanu Reeves
I feel happy and free! Me with Animesh today
I Believe
I believe in love as i believe in this breath
filling in breathed out
only some times as i see
hungry bellies and jaded souls
i question the source of all
i question the nature of love
i question its presence
And then again as i see
a new born at a mother's breast
i know there is love
unconditional, in abundance
As in desert the oasis comes up
As on a bud dew develops
A little depth if i attain
mists will lift and clouds part
Love you will stand stark naked in my gaze
And finally i shall understand
May be i will understand
And say no more
What is love ?
And where is love?
Had gone to see beating retreat
"beating retreat" is a centuries old military tradition dating from the days when troops disengaged from battle at sunset. As soon as the Bugles sounded the retreat the troops ceased fighting, sheathed their arms and withdrew from the battlefield. It is for this reason that the custom of standing still during the sounding of retreat has been retained to this day. Colours and standards are cased and flags lowered at retreat. Drum beats are relic of the days when the troops, billeted in towns and cities, were recalled to their quarters at the appointed time in the evening. Based on these military traditions, the ceremony of beating retreat creates a good mood of nostalgia for the times gone by.
When i see state of Afghanistani people it makes me question the injustice meted out to these poor people. First US used this country against Russia tearing it apart creating war lords and now the civil wars rip apart the country as the arsenals gifted by US are used to kill each other. The dictators of past like Hitler at least owened up the atrocities but today as the US bullies the world and creates mass casualties, the funny bit is-it potrays itself as global messiah. The story is same every where but polarisation has started and marginalising Muslims will have drastic outcomes as the religion produces best warriors who fight with death as their aim. The conditioning of achieving jannat or heaven on dying for the religious cause makes them formidable. No technology can counter human passion for destruction and as i am absolutely against any form of violence the policies of "world's one and onlySuper power"are grossly off mark. What happened to twin towers was just the tip of ice berg, if the supression instead of pulling into the mainstream of underprivilaged continues, there will be unprecedented out -bursts and rebellion.
Now my evening at the function-It was fun as Diplomats, Defence people and President, Prime Minister all were there, India has a Sikh Prime Minister, A Muslim President and an Italian lady Mrs Sonia Gandhi as the President of the ruling party. What can be more secular? Men in uniform looked so smart and there were very alert black cat commandoes too. My grand father was a freedom fighter and the British could never catch him, he came dressed as woman when my father his first child was born. He was a feared man in British Raj, pure Aryan blood of warrior tribes comes down our blood line though i come from a Brahman family mostly people from hills are warriors with hot-hot blood . Coffins arrive every day from Indo- Pak border at Sichin and by gifting Pakistan nuclear bomb for services it renders America has created a very unstable equatoin. Pakistan is a rogue Nation which is there to monitor on Russia and India for American intelligence. Now as the Islamic fundamentalism increases this stooge too shall back fire like it happened in Afghanistan wait and watch Unce Sam as millons of terrorists are created in madrasas of Pakistan.
A friend is betrayed!
Today i tell you of a very beautiful woman, she is my childhood friend and very close to my heart. She is highly qualified a P. hd in organic Chemistry, she would have been a happy woman. She is not, her only fault she believed in love and against all odds married her childhood sweetheart. For this marriage she suffered hell from her parents and her inlaw, beaten, locked in and tortured. She came in my dream one day before her marriage "Rina please save me i am dying," i called her to find her in very bad state, she marries then, this man who woul be her nemesis. She studies further and now is much more qualified than her partner this is unbearable to male go. Now her miseries begin as she is beaten and threatened by him using her child as a pawn he makes her dance to her every wish. Her money is all his ,she cant spend a little even, see how trapped a woman is- divorce for her is out of question as she will be stigmatised and rediculed in this close knit socity and her parents will not be able to bear this. Now what does this make us think of one of the most hyped up emotion in humans-Love. Its all mind wash i think all false and rubbish, look what love does to you traps you and makes you a miserable fool. Yet people crave for this strange punishment like a bee would go to a flower or iron to a magnet. I tell this friend to break the mans hand when he hits her, die in the process if she has to, but dont take it down silently. All in the name of retarded emotion called Love. Still i think we should Love three things ourselves, children(for selfish reason that they suck our negativity)and flowers , for these things too take our negativity. Now as i hold my friends tear stained face and hug her stroking her back tell me did she ever needed to look for this destruction called love in the first place, on a more philosophical note love is within us and we have to connect inwards than look for this mirage outside. Projecting our need or expectation on another will always bring in misery and that misery has a name- Love. So be ware of this devastating emotion its not for sane beings who want to survive life.
Happy thoughts
Anita and me!
My Anita
Sleeping with dreams
Starry night sky is silent today
gentle breeze fragrant with your breath
colours have all descended on my soul
only sound,throb of my heart
only sight,azure depths of feelings
time stepped on cosmos of thoughts
dreams scattered like pearls on marble
A moment froze in memory of universe
in blood, in flesh,in mind
and in this dance of creation
i thought you were mine
a finite matter mine?
infinite soul mine?
In this dance of creation
illusions were divine
for who is me and who is mine?
Meditation makes me shine!
Hi all of my friends i feel good to be with all of you again, I meditated yesterday did salt water-which is taking (warm)these days, water and putting a fistfull of salt in it. Now i immerse my feet in this water and open my palms i ask my divine mother to take out all negativity from the gross body as wll as the subtle system into this water after 10-15 minutes i throw this water into the drainage.One has to be careful about not throwing this water on plants as this is harmful,and do not touch this water, (bfore pulling your feet out water and wash thus your feet will be washed off the negativity too.)I did this and meditated and my unstable emotional state came back to normal. Today i could do a lot of work and arranging of the Anthology material, mind was sorted out and sharp. Saw the Republic day parade soldiers marching in neat rows, many foreign nationals also enjoying the march. I have some acupressure books and Mr Herb master its written that all points related to glands-Pineal, Pituitary, Thyroid, Thymus, Adrenal and Pancreas. Along with it points for Solar plexus and gonads are to be pressed. I think you can get a wooden acopressure ball and roll it in hand and wrist, this will effect glands and kill your craving for smoking. Thanks alot for your kind words i meditated and here i am happy and myself again God bless all with friends like you all.
I feel so low today!
I am not feeling all right, kind of lost friends sometimes things we do hold a mirror to us and what see is not always pretty. Introspection sometimes sorts out these tangles but like a stubborn little child our infant persona takes over,selfish, seeking attention and throwing tantrums. How and when this overpowers us is difficult to make out,once it starts subsiding then you realise that some supressed feelings had surfaced. In all of us there is an adult, a child and and old person at all stages of life and our needs are based on who we want to be adressed at a particular time. Say i feel hurt and need nursing and someone comes and gives commands to the adult persona will i respond? No. Its like this in every situation when there is less synchronisation between the expectation and the fulfillment or misunderstanding then the whole interpersonal relationship oes for a six. So it should be first clear what is that we want from an interaction. Like if a mother wants a kid to finish his meal she will give clear instructions of what she wants from the kid but when the function of an interaction is not clear it will become tense and give trouble instead of being productive and creating positive vibes it will generate negativity. So maybe we humans need to be very honest while establishing communication and understand the simple basic requirement of a relation. Doing this proceed to fulfill it sincerely. A jok now, two ants come out from a movie hall one says sister im so tired cant walk back home Other-yes sister my feet are also aching,see that dog is coming this way lets do a dog and go home(like lets do a bus and go home)lol not even a straight joke from me today take care and be good. A sad picture for a sad entry.
Reading Carl Sagan
Carl Sagan was Professor of Astronomy and Space Sciences, when I was a kid his Cosmos was telecast ed on T.V. and I was hooked to it. Since then I have read his work with a lot of admiration, his novel 'Contact' made me dream of far off civilizations. As kids when we sat in the class I would look out of the window and at the blue sky and wonder if some where far away alien kids were studying like us. Carl Sagan had a cosmos sailing on the wind as the episode started and when ever I see a cosmos I still run wildly behind it. Carl Sagan is no more his death anniversary was in December. I had cried when I had come to know of his death. He touched so many people igniting the fire of knowledge. I hope he got all his answers now as his soul looks down on our blue earth. Read about him on his site, he was a man we will not forget easily. Dr Carl Sagan, if you can hear me I promise I will contribute to science through this study of Environment I pursue. That said, I feel good. It is as if we owe this man deep gratitude for adding to our knowledge. I feel God should bless each of us enough to add something of value to the humanity before saying our final goodbye, am I right my dearest friend Bluey? Remembering Dr Carl on his tenth death Anniversary, I wish, I was your student Sir. Really, may you be in peace always.
Morning or evening friends!
Story contd...
Jaya was fourteen then and Shiv sixteen, both childhood friends would sneak out in scorching summer noons to nearby mango groves. Jaya would spread her frock and catch the mangoes Shiv dropped from above. When the branches were low she would climb on his shoulders and pluck juicy ripe mangoes. As she lay now on he bed staring at the ceiling the warm fragrance of mango flowers surrounded her. Shiv was already asleep, in moon light the room was bathed in blue light and his straight nose looked so aristrocratic. Jaya cimbed down from the bed. She parted the lace curtains and took a deep breath little white flowers had floated down from the Parijat tree. The tiny white flowers with orange stems, how in early mornings she and Shiv would string these flowers on long twigs and offer these garland to th stone deities. Jaya turned to look at her husband now in another world unaware of the turmoil in her heart. A faint smile touched his bow shaped lips, Jaya left the window and came to his side. In the blue light his black hair were shaded blue. She touched a strand, how peaceful he was in his sleep,she tucked the white sheet around him. Quitely she tiptoed out from the room,once in the kitchen she lit a candle and looked for the letter in the newspaper stack. She pulled out the letter with shaking hands. The blue folds she pressed with her sweaty palms and tore open the envelope, his familiar slanting writing was before her. Tears made her view hazy, as she read"Jaya i am coming back for you, i do not ask you, i take it that we will leave together for Japan which is my next posting. Do i need to say any more, wait for my call and be ready."The letter had ended but her tears continued to fall, "how can i Krisna, is it so easy as this, wait for me?"Jaya burned the letter in the wavering flame of the candle. She tenderly placed the ashes in a small silver box meant for keeping trinkets. Water in the copper jar was cool, she felt the soothing of nerves as she drank direcly from the jar. She crossed the rooms to the bedroom and stood gazing at Shiv, her breath still uneven,her face still moist. She quitely settled herself on her side of the bed hearing his even breating she closed her eyes and let her mind drift to those days.....
The wedding was fun and lots of traditional stuff. The bride was an Engineer, her hubby too an Engineer and a Management person. I was observing people my favourate pass time and i danced alot thats my favourate stress buster. I have also learned classical dance as a kid so rythm excites me. Out side the sun is setting its time for my jog and to take the younger one to the park. Today it was a hectic day i had to stock vegetables and groceries and read the stuff i am working on. I still have to start my second year post graduation studies, i will write next part of the story today for those who like it. All be happy and safe my friend i missed you all. This pic i took on 20th of Jan.
Wedding tomorrow
Yes there is this wedding in the family and i got a little matching done, i got a darkish orange cardigan to go with orange green saree lol,not this one another one. These are my wedding sarees so they are bright normally i wear drab dull colours. Its still cold here 12 degree c chilly wind blows all day. Women at the function were dressed in vibrant colours. Chiffons, georgets,silks and heavy jewelry. I love nice bitter and floral perfumes more than jewelry. Bluey do you put makeup i rarely do as i get rashes if i apply creams.
Me Count Dracula!
My mom called me Count Dracula as i would refuse to comb my hair. I still remember her soft touch on my hair as she made my plait for the school, a firm jerk would make me sit straight, if i moved too much i would get a whack lol see how i look today as i leave for a marriage function!Do i look all right?Today is the music and dance function before the actual wedding on 23rd wish my yahoo 360 friends could join me as bird of a feather......yes....flock together lol you got it right full marks!
I think the new moon got me all crazy what of drowning tied to a rock wow! I had once almost drowned in sea 6 years back my husband, his coursemates our kids were playing on the beach and we had formed a chain only the couples, would jump as the massive waves hit us. Now i knew swimmiming, but i told others see the sea looks sinister, you know the colour was strange deepening electric blue , azure sometimes. These people would not listen as i again told them sea might take a life one of these days. The general mood was of disrespect to nature's tremendous power, and suddenly the sea floor vanished beneath our feet. There was suction,there kind of whirl pool due to the sudden and steep fall in gradient of the sea floor. Oh what it was, i went deep deep deep into algae and blue-green water. Initially i swam but the suction was too powerfull moving the body in direction of the currant. Water had started filling in i came up twice and started remembering the creator, there was no fear just an acceptance. As i chanted Lord Shiva's name as i feel no pain or fear the moment i take this mantra-"Om namah Shivay,"that is i bow to you Shiva, i came up and the sea floor came beneath my feet. I ran to the shore and took out the water. All adults had almost drowned but no one was hurt kids had better sense they were making sand castles on the beach, if kids were with us there would have been casualties. Next day two foreigners, both very strong swimmers lost their lives on the same beach. As i have very bad risk assesment so as a kid too i would do silly things. I dont know how i survive to write all this. The funniest thing is that i actually am curious about death since i was a kid as i always wanted to know what next and i am told wait your time will cme to know till then bore blog people with your theories and assumptions. Do i have the permission lol, be with me friends i may tell you what happens once i become a you know what-one and only Rina -ghost.
Moon lit Night
Have you seen gray clouds on a moonlit night
And wind whispering sweet nothings to midnight flowers
On such a night when i crave absolute silence
Tie a boulder to this body
And let me sink into the blue -green depths
Breath that ties me to this body, be no more
Heart rest now, let the blood turn blue
Then i will surface a new soul
From one depth to another
No more body, not a mind
Just absolute bliss just absolute soul
Continued Story.
A Request
I was at coffee morning!
EVERY ONE WAS DRESSED TO KILL and i had just washed my hair draped a heavy silk saree and without makeup(i hardly use any and today i didnt find my only lipstic) dashed to the party. There was Tai chi and dances i did a game fr the ladies and ppl thought i was looking good? While i was on my way some stupid men made stupid comments like they always do and i felt like slapping them hard!If i had time i would have whacked them. Cant we wear abayas like Muslim women lol. These parties are all British style things some times high tea sometimes coffee mornings. I must say here that India's defence forces are among the best in the world as an Officer here leads from the front and takes the bullet before his men. Here is to Indian Defence forces, we are proud of men who put their life on line for the country!
Thanks Sean!I think you gave my topic a vote global warming and the Himalayas and effect of ARCTIC CHUNK BREAKING OFF LEADING TO WARMING LEADING TO MELTING GLACIERS IN hIMALAYAS WOW! GOOD?Tell me let me build up on this maybe i do a P.hd after this post graduation with u guys helping me all the way. I like to study with you its more fun. Yes Bluey i have written this poem today it came to me just like that and tell me ur views on women being treated shabbily worldover! I was also getting another nice poem in my mind may be tomorrow ill write it have a nice day all of you!
Help Me select a topic!
Hi friends, i need your help! I am doing M.Sc in Ecology and Environment and i have to submit a thesis, before that i have to submit a topic for the thesis. Can you guys suggest some relevant topics on Environment. What i was yhinking is Global warming and the degradation of mountains. I belong to hills so i am obsessed with mountains. Can you suggest some interesting topics which are unusual for my thesis. I will also bore you about the anthology i am doing on Sita, do you know there is an Indonasian Ramayan and Tibetan Ramayan and a Javanese Ramayana apart from the Valmiki Ramayana of India, Sita was betrayed throughout her marriage and humilated to prove her chastity when Ravana , a demon captured her and kept her in Ashok vatika in Sri Lanka. Lord Rama an incarnation of Vishnu fought the mighty Ravana and won her back but then deserted her in forest while she waas pregnant. Its a sad story but tell me women friends is it not true even today that after all women do they are always taken for granted and abused in all socities. Sita is thus contemporary even today and i have to make this book very relevant for today's woman . Tell me thesis topics now im waiting!