My heart swells with pride as I hear my Prime Minister speak. I have no doubts now that he is Shri Kalki that my Guru had promised. I feel blessed to be a citizen of India, of this great spiritual land that had always been a beacon of light for human civilizations. To hear him speak on female infanticide, to see him request the Doctors to refrain from such practices and also pray to parents to allow their daughters to live and flourish brought tears to my eyes. He has touched a raw nerve when he spoke of how the women suffer and wait till it is dark to go out in the open to address nature's call. We all know the facts yet turn a blind eye to the glaring problems. And then when he points out that we could overthrow a colonial power without any help what stops us now from eradicating poverty? He has invoked the youth to take up the mantra of 'made in India' and make sure that the world comes to India and makes in India. I am grateful to the creator who gave us such a Prime Minister. I feel we all must respond to his call and put in everything in our might to create a beautiful, clean and prosperous Nation where the world visits to see and learn from our heritage and culture. Jai Hind!

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